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What If I’m Still Working?

Your 65th birthday probably won’t be your first day of retirement. You may continue working months–even years–after you turn 65. By continuing to work, you have more options to think about for your health care coverage.

Understand Your Options

If you have coverage through your employer (or your spouse’s employer), you may decide on waiting to enroll in Medicare. But is it the best option for you?

  • What is more expensive—staying on your employer’s plan or enrolling in Medicare?
  • Which plan offers the best coverage?
  • Would a Medicare Advantage plan provide more benefits than you’re used to?
  • If you join Medicare, will your spouse or partner keep their coverage?

Before you turn 65, you should discuss your options with HR or your employer’s benefits provider. They can give you additional information on what choices you have when you turn 65. Depending on your employer, you may be required to enroll in Medicare.

If you don't enroll in Medicare during the Initial Enrollment Period and don't have sufficient coverage through your employer, you could have to pay a late enrollment penalty for Part B (and for Part A if it’s not free for you).

Initial Enrollment Period
You can enroll in Medicare around your 65th birthday. This Initial Enrollment Period is your first chance to sign up for Medicare and enroll in a Medicare Advantage Plan.

The Initial Enrollment Period:

  • Begins three months before the month you turn 65
  • The month you turn 65
  • Ends three months after the month you turn 65

Example: If your birthday is July 4, your Initial Enrollment Period begins on April 1 and ends on October 31.

Special Enrollment Period

Finally ready to retire? If your health care coverage is through a group plan from your (or your spouse’s) employer, you may qualify for a Special Enrollment Period (SEP). Usually, you will not be required to pay a late enrollment penalty if you sign up during an SEP.

The rules around SEPs vary. Contact Social Security to learn more about your options when you decide to retire.

Health Partners Medicare Can Help

Choosing a Medicare plan that meets your needs depends on your personal situation, including if you’re still working, and how much you want to pay.

Call Today to Learn More

Call 1-833-477-4773 (TTY 1-877-454-8477) to speak with a licensed benefits advisor.

Hours of operation
8 a.m.–8 p.m., seven days a week, October 1 through March 31
8 a.m.–8 p.m., Monday–Friday, April 1 through September 30