To Report an Issue of Compliance, Privacy, or Fraud
The reporting and investigation of compliance, privacy, or fraud incidents play a key part in creating a culture of honest and ethical behavior and conduct. Additionally, management of compliance, privacy, or fraud issues is an essential tool to improve Health Partners Plans’ services. It also enables the organization to take appropriate actions to mitigate risks from happening again.
Anyone who becomes aware of a compliance, privacy, or fraud incident, whether it has occurred or is about to occur, should report it to Health Partners Plans. There are a number of ways to report through the options provided below. If you wish to remain anonymous, you may do so by using the HPP Hotline or our EthicsPoint online reporting tool.
To report a compliance, privacy, or fraud incident:
- Call the anonymous HPP Hotline: 1-866-477-4848
- Email:
- Complete and submit anonymously online: MyComplianceReport